Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar


2016 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 13 - 17 Kasım 2016

Development of Metformin Hydrochloride and Glyburide Containing Orally Disintegrating Tablets

AAPS 2015, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, 25 - 29 Ekim 2015

Quality Control of Extended Release Metoprolol Tartrate Tablets Available in Turkish Drug Market

MAGUM-DRD 2015, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development From Chemistry to Medicine, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Ekim 2015

Development of HPLC Methods for Individual Determination of 20 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for Ussing Chamber Studies

MAGUM-DRD 2015, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development From Chemistry to Medicine, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Ekim 2015

Assesment of Pharmaceutical Quality of Furosemide Tablets Available in Turkish Drug Market

MAGUM-DRD 2015, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development From Chemistry to Medicine, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Ekim 2015

Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Piroxicam

MAGUM-DRD 2015, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development From Chemistry to Medicine, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Ekim 2015

Investigation of Curcumin Effect on the Intestinal Breast Cancer Resistance Protein

AAPS 2014, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 2 - 06 Kasım 2014 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Potential Effect of Capsaicin on Intestinal Breast Cancer Resistance Protein

AAPS 2014, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 2 - 06 Kasım 2014 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Investigation of Dose Effect on the Segmental Intestinal Permeability of Amlodipine

AAPS 2014, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 2 - 06 Kasım 2014

Quality Control of Conventional Paracetamol and Caffeine Combined Dosage Forms in Turkish Drug Market

17th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium. (IPTS 2014), Antalya, Türkiye, 8 - 10 Eylül 2014

Effect of Capsaicin on Intestinal P glycoprotein

AAPS 2012, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, Şikago, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 14 - 17 Ekim 2012

Investigation of Curcumin Effect on Intestinal P glycoprotein

AAPS 2012, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, Şikago, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 14 - 17 Ekim 2012

HPLC Method Development for Determination and In Vitro Dissolution Studies for Rivaroxaban

9th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology, Dubrovnik, Hırvatistan, 20 - 22 Eylül 2012

Comparision of Dissolution Profiles of Two Commercially Available Furosemide Tablets

MAGUM-DRD 2011, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development From Chemistry to Medicine, 27 - 29 Mayıs 2011

Determination of Permeability of Diclofenac Sodium in the In Situ Intestinal Perfusion Preparation

MAGUM-DRD 2011, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development From Chemistry to Medicine, Antalya, Türkiye, 27 - 29 Mayıs 2011

Development and Validation of a RP HPLC Method for Determination of Furosemide in Tablet Dosage Forms

MAGUM-DRD 2011, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development From Chemistry to Medicine, Antalya, Türkiye, 27 - 29 Mayıs 2011

Development of RP HPLC Method for the Determination of Amlodipine in Commercially Available Tablet Dosage Forms

MAGUM-DRD 2011, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development from Chemistry to Medicine, Antalya, Türkiye, 27 - 29 Mayıs 2011

Hepatic Disposition of Naproxen Sodium in Cirrhotic Rat Liver

PSWC-AAPS 2010, Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress-American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 14 - 18 Kasım 2010

Determination of In Vitro Dissolution Profiles of Amlodipine Besylate and Olmesartan Medoxomil Using a Newly Developed HPLC Method

PSWC-AAPS 2010, Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress- American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 14 - 18 Kasım 2010

Determination of time to reach steady state in different intestinal segments using phenol red

PSWC-AAPS 2010, Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress-American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 14 - 18 Kasım 2010

Estimation of Distributional Spaces in the Dual Perfused Cirrhotic Rat Liver

AAPS 2009, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, Los-Angeles, Şili, 8 - 12 Kasım 2009

Investigation of Hepatic Disposition of Furosemide in the Dual Perfused Cirrhotic Rat Liver

AAPS 2009, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, Los-Angeles, Şili, 8 - 12 Kasım 2009

HPLC Determination of Olmesatran Medoxomil and Amlodipine Besylate in Tablets

5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Sciences Society (NoSSS2009), Talin, Ermenistan, 26 - 29 Ağustos 2009

Determination of Naproxen Sodium in Samples for Liver Perfusion Studies via Newly Developed HPLC Method with Fluorometric Detection

ISOPS 2009, 9th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ankara, Türkiye, 23 - 06 Haziran 2009

Determination of the In Vitro Dissolution profiles of Amlodipine and Valsartan Combined Tablet Dosage Forms by HPLC

MAGUM-DRD 2009, International Symposium on Drug Research and Development From Chemistry to Medicine, İstanbul, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Mayıs 2009

Determination of Tissue Water Contents of Cirrhotic Rats

AAPS 2008, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 16 - 20 Kasım 2008

Investigation of Intestinal Permeability of Naproxen Sodium and Furosemide in cirrhotic rats

AAPS 2008, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 16 - 20 Kasım 2008

HPLC Method Development for the Simultaneous Analysis of Amlodipine Besylate and Valsartan in Samples for Liver Perfusion Studies

XX Congress of Chemist and Technologists of Macedonia with V Congress of Metallurgists of Macedonia, Ohrid, Makedonya, 17 Eylül - 20 Ağustos 2008

Determination of Specific Hepatic Arterial Space in Cirrhotic Rats

14th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium (IPTS 2008), Antalya, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2008

Investigation of Solubility and Permeability Characteristics of Furosemide

3rd World Congress of Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of FIP (PSWC), Amsterdam, Hollanda, 22 - 25 Nisan 2007

Determination of solubility and intestinal permeability Naproxen Sodium

Pre-Satellite Meeting for and by Ph.D. Students and Postdoctoral Fellows of the 3rd World Congress of Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of FIP (PSWC), Amsterdam, Hollanda, 20 - 21 Nisan 2007

Hepatic Disposition of Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole

13th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium IPTS 2006, 10 - 13 Eylül 2006

Potential Use of Freeze Drying Technique for Determining of Tissue Water

1st BBBB Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siofok, Macaristan, 26 - 28 Eylül 2005

Estimation of Distributional Volumes in The Perfused Rat Liver

8th European Congress of Pharmaceutical Science, EUFEPS 2004, Brüksel, Belçika, 17 - 20 Ekim 2004, cilt.23, ss.71

A Comparative Study on Controlled Release Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets Containing Glipizide

11th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium (IPTS 2002), İstanbul, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Eylül 2002

Formulation of controlled release glipizide pellets using pan coating method

10th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium. (IPTS 2000), İstanbul, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Eylül 2000



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