WoS Research Areas:
Social Sciences General
Avesis Research Areas:
Law, Constitutional Law
Kürşat completed his postgraduate studies with a dissertation on private property rights in the Constitutional Court decisions at Erciyes University in 2014 where he is now doing his research studies on the constitutional dimension of militant democracy and its adverse effects on fundamental rights. He spent a research-year in Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes in Germany.
His academic interests lie in the areas of the fundamental rights theory, modern constitutional-making processes, and constitutional democracy.
- kursat.akca@inonu.edu.tr
- Web Page
- www.anayasahukuku.net
- Office Phone
- +90 422 377 4680
- Fax Phone
- +90 422 377 4681
- Office
- Hukuk Fakültesi 3. Kat 217 Nolu Oda
- Address
- İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Merkez Kampüs