Social networks are electronically information sharing systems, due to this case, there are many studies on social networks. When studying social networks, text-based solution methods can be used; this type of study is outside the scope of this paper. Some studies have used mathematical models such as graphs, and graphs are mathematical models to represent many things, and social networks are one of them. However, graphs are static models whose structure cannot match the behaviors of social networks. To get rid of this case, Petri nets have been used in some recent studies , however, they have some deficien-cies (obtained models are not complete and sound). Because of this case, we modeled social networks by using Petri nets. The resulting model is called Marked Social Network. The marked social network has two types such as Concurrent Marked Social Network and Parallel Marked Social Network. The obtained mod-els were analyzed in case of behavioral and structural properties, and the major properties of the model were determined. All these properties are described in this study.(c) 2021 Karabuk University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (