Turkey’s Pro-American Pivot During the Korean War

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Kubat M. C.

현대사연구 Journal of Modern History, cilt.2, sa.2, ss.22-51, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


This article examines two significant shifts in Turkish political history following World War II. Firstly, it explores Turkey's pro-American pivot in foreign policy, which intensified after the Democrat Party's election in 1950. The party implemented progressive liberal policies, including democratic reforms, market economy orientation, agricultural transformation, and increased religious freedoms. These changes, coupled with strengthened pro-Americanism, transformed Turkey's image from an authoritarian state to a pro-American democracy, improving its relations with Western powers. The Korean War accelerated this process. Secondly, the article analyzes the consequent rise of anti-communism in Turkey. When the Democrat Party decided to intervene in the Korean War, it faced opposition from the Turkish Peace-lovers Association. The government responded by criminalizing the association's activities and supporting anti-communist organizations. This led to a "purifying campaign" similar to those in other Korean War participating countries, institutionalizing anti-communism as a state ideology. The article argues that during the Korean War period, pro-American progressivism combined with anti-communism became the dominant ideological force in Turkey, shaping its domestic and foreign policies