Human being has been reluctant to accept death and showed resistance against it throughout the history of ideas. Human being has somewhat been in the pursuit of immortality on the earth. This pursuit has maintained its presence and dynamism throughout the history. Today, this pursuit seems to have accelerated seriously along with the facilities of science and technology, particularly the modern medicine. These facilities have created a belief and a confidence of the possibility of the realization of immortality for some people to a degree which has never been experienced so far. In this sense, today, medicine is triying to realize the will to imortality which human being has been in the pursuit of with a great curiosity and faith throughout the history. In this study, firstly, the search for immortality in the history of ideas will be revealed along with examples, and then, search for immortality and the perception of death of modern medicine and the problems arising with this perception will be discussed. Lastly, the analysis, critique and evaluation of the efforts related with the search for immortality in modern science and medicine will be done in terms of philosophy of religion.