2nd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Ekim 2017, ss.1965
is study was conducted on 20 apricot varieties in genetic resource parcels of tha Malatya Apricot Research
Institute Directorate in 2016. e cultivation of table apricot has been neglected in Malatya which is the
World leader in dry apricot production. anks to its favorable climatic conditions, our this province
producing apricot which has rich ì avor and aroma can also achieve the success in the table varieties as in the
varieties suitable for drying. In this study, which we aimed to evaluate the table apricot potential of Malatya,
erly growing apricot varieties were used as material. e pomological characteristics such as fruit sizes, weight,
total soluble solid content (TSS), titratable acidity, ì esh ë rmness, pH and fruit / seed ratio were investigated.
e Silistre De Rona apricot variety harvested on 27.05.2016 was identië ed as the earliest growing variety. In
the study, the fruit weight were between 11.69 - 55.63 g, fruit width were 27.46 - 43.80 mm, fruit height were
28.01 - 49.90 mm, fruit height were 28.98 - 48.72 mm, seed weight were 1.32 - 4.04 g, TSS were 9.80 - 16.50
and the titratable acidity were 13.20 - 35.60, pH were 3.08 - 4.06, fruit meat hardness were 0.48 - 1.50 and
fruit meat / seed ratio were 7.86 - 22.01.