Primary Accessory Breast Carcinoma; Case Report and Review of the Literature

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Kılıç E., Yetim İ., Oruç C., Uğur M., Gökçe H.

Journal of Clinical Case Studies, vol.1, no.3, pp.1-3, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Primary ectopic breast carcinoma (PEBC) is a very rare and progressive case, most commonly encountered in the advanced stage. Most of
the cases develop from the ectopic breast tissue (EBT), and it may occur along the milk line within the area from the axilla to the external genital
region. EBT is observed in the 6% of the female population and is mostly encountered in the axilla. Clinically, the most frequently encountered
type of PEBC is the one which originates from the EBT located in the axillary and it constitutes 70% of all PEBCs. Histopathologically, the most
common type is invasive ductal carcinoma (72%). Mammography and ultrasound-guided fne needle aspiration (FNA) employed in the diagnosis
of PEBC and also in the differential diagnosis of lipoma, lymphadenitis, metastatic carcinoma and the lesions such as hidradenitis suppurativa. In
the surgical treatment of PEBC is recommended the resection of the tumor tissue with the skin together and the dissection of the regional LNs.
Loco-regional approach (Ro local excision+axillary dissection+radiotherapy) has been considered to be the most appropriate method in PEBC
treatment and has been employed for 15 years.
Keywords: Primer ectopic breast carcinoma; Ectopic breast tissue; Diagnosis; Treatment