Signaling systems play an important role in managing urban transport networks. Optimizing signaling systems significantly reduces
traffic density in transport networks. One of the popular methods applied to increase the efficiency of the signaling system is the
green wave application, which means the coordinated operation of the signaling systems. The green wave system prevents vehicles
from being repeatedly caught in red light, reducing travel time, waiting time on the roads and carbon emissions of vehicles. The
problem that will arise at this point is on which intersection points the green wave system will be applied. In this study, vehicle
counting and signaling data of the city of Malatya were used and the transportation network data was converted into a weighted
graph. By applying the walktrap community detection algorithm to the transportation network, the intersection points are grouped
according to the vehicle transition similarities on them. It was applied to the green wave system physically for the intersection
points in 2 different groups determined. The results show that there are significant increases in the number of vehicles passing per
unit time in the regions where green waves are applied. This situation has resulted in a decrease in the number of vehicles waiting
at red lights and significant reductions in carbon emissions from stationary vehicles into the atmosphere.