Political parties give at least the same importance to the local elections held for local governors as general elections and political party leaders have been conducting propaganda by holding public meetings throughout the country. Local and national presses during this period develop a discourse by often bringing the news about elections to the agenda. Thus, the press reproduces discourses of political parties in every time. Even though news agencies are expected to follow policy of neutrality on the news about the local elections, certain discourses are again developed through the ideology that has been reflected on the news. The aim of this paper is to point out differences between the discourses developed by national press on the news in two periods of time; local elections in 2009 and 2014. While comparing and contrasting the news on the elections in these two periods, the frequency of appearance of the news about the local elections on the front page of the papers has been observed. The central question of this study is how the news about local elections in 2009 and 2014 have been reflected in the national press with the point of discursive terms and what kinds of differences there have been found on the news. The Method of Critical Discourse Analysis by van Dijk has been used in this study in which a one-month period of each election was observed. The study carries a great importance on the point of that how the news about the local elections period in 2009 and 2014 appeared on the national press and discourses over these two election period are compared. In the study which particularly the newspapers from each political ideology were observed and these newspapers are; Aksam, Birgun, Bugun, Cumhuriyet, Evrensel, Gunes, Hurriyet, Milli Gazete, Milliyet, Sabah, Star, Taraf, Turkiye, Vatan, Yeni Asya, Yeni Safak ve Zaman. According to the findings of the study, the national press has paid great attention to the local elections in both 2009 and 2014.