Aim: Hysterectomy is among the most common major surgical procedures performed in women. Approximately 450.000 hysterectomy procedures are performed each year in the United States for benign indications. The aim of this study was to evaluate hysterectomy procedures performed for benign conditions in terms of indications and histopathological results at a university hospital in a rural region of Turkey and correlate our results with the current data in the literature. Material and Method: A total of 41 total abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy materials performed for benign conditions were screened from the archive of Department of Pathology in Bozok University School of Medicine between January 2012 and December 2016. The hysterectomy indications and histopathological diagnosis of the hysterectomy specimens were re-evaluated, retrospectively. Demographical features were noted from the hospital records. PASW Statistics version 18.0 (SPSS Inc. Chicago. IL. USA) was used for statistical analysis. Results: The mean age of the patients was 45.68 +/- 4.72 (range: 36-60) years. The most common hysterectomy indication was uterine myoma which was observed in 31 cases (75.6%). The histopathological diagnosis of the hysterectomy materials were documented as follows in descending order; leiomyoma (n: 34, 82.9%), adenomyosis (n: 6, 14.6%), and endocervical polyp (n: 6, 14.6 %). The correlation between the histopathological diagnosis and patient's age was evaluated; however, no statistically significant association was encountered (p>0.05). Discussion: We documented that the mean age of the patients underwent a hysterectomy in our study was lower than the literature, and leiomyoma frequency was generally higher than the literature. Further prospective studies comprising a greater number of patients might be crucial that would evaluate the etiology of these results.