Telescopic Biliary Reconstruction in Patients Undergoing Liver Transplantation With 1-Year Follow-up

Karakas S., Sarici K. B., Ozdemir F., Ersan V., İNCE V., Baskiran A., ...More

TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS, vol.49, no.3, pp.562-565, 2017 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Background. Biliary complications are important during liver transplantation because of their effect on recipient and graft survival, incidence, and the long treatment period. These complications are associated with 50% morbidity and 30% mortality rates in recent studies. One of the most important reasons for biliary anastomosis complications is arterial ischemia. We present the results of our telescopic biliary anastomosis technique performed on the mucosa of the main biliary duct.