R. İNCE And C. FENERLİ, "Determination of Initial Fracture Toughness Parameter of the Double-K Model by Artificial Neural Networks," International Congress On Advances in Civil Engineering , İstanbul, Turkey, pp.160, 2016
İNCE, R. And FENERLİ, C. 2016. Determination of Initial Fracture Toughness Parameter of the Double-K Model by Artificial Neural Networks. International Congress On Advances in Civil Engineering , (İstanbul, Turkey), 160.
İNCE, R., & FENERLİ, C., (2016). Determination of Initial Fracture Toughness Parameter of the Double-K Model by Artificial Neural Networks . International Congress On Advances in Civil Engineering (pp.160). İstanbul, Turkey
İNCE, Ragıp, And CENK FENERLİ. "Determination of Initial Fracture Toughness Parameter of the Double-K Model by Artificial Neural Networks," International Congress On Advances in Civil Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey, 2016
İNCE, Ragıp And FENERLİ, CENK. "Determination of Initial Fracture Toughness Parameter of the Double-K Model by Artificial Neural Networks." International Congress On Advances in Civil Engineering , İstanbul, Turkey, pp.160, 2016
İNCE, R. And FENERLİ, C. (2016) . "Determination of Initial Fracture Toughness Parameter of the Double-K Model by Artificial Neural Networks." International Congress On Advances in Civil Engineering , İstanbul, Turkey, p.160.
@conferencepaper{conferencepaper, author={Ragıp İNCE And author={CENK FENERLİ}, title={Determination of Initial Fracture Toughness Parameter of the Double-K Model by Artificial Neural Networks}, congress name={International Congress On Advances in Civil Engineering}, city={İstanbul}, country={Turkey}, year={2016}, pages={160} }