P. YÜKSEL ARSLAN Et Al. , "A phenomenological study: teachers' experiences of using digital storytelling in early childhood education," EDUCATIONAL STUDIES , vol.42, no.5, pp.427-445, 2016
YÜKSEL ARSLAN, P. Et Al. 2016. A phenomenological study: teachers' experiences of using digital storytelling in early childhood education. EDUCATIONAL STUDIES , vol.42, no.5 , 427-445.
YÜKSEL ARSLAN, P., YILDIRIM, İ. S., & Robin, B. R., (2016). A phenomenological study: teachers' experiences of using digital storytelling in early childhood education. EDUCATIONAL STUDIES , vol.42, no.5, 427-445.
YÜKSEL ARSLAN, PELİN, İBRAHİM SONER YILDIRIM, And Bernard Ross Robin. "A phenomenological study: teachers' experiences of using digital storytelling in early childhood education," EDUCATIONAL STUDIES , vol.42, no.5, 427-445, 2016
YÜKSEL ARSLAN, PELİN Y. Et Al. "A phenomenological study: teachers' experiences of using digital storytelling in early childhood education." EDUCATIONAL STUDIES , vol.42, no.5, pp.427-445, 2016
YÜKSEL ARSLAN, P. YILDIRIM, İ. S. And Robin, B. R. (2016) . "A phenomenological study: teachers' experiences of using digital storytelling in early childhood education." EDUCATIONAL STUDIES , vol.42, no.5, pp.427-445.
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