Ö. F. DURSUN Et Al. , "Investıgatıon of Tıme Dependent Local Scourıng in Geocell Reınforced Downstream of Hydraulıc Structures," International Journal of Mechanical Production Engineering (IJMPE) , vol.6, no.12, pp.43-45, 2018
DURSUN, Ö. F. Et Al. 2018. Investıgatıon of Tıme Dependent Local Scourıng in Geocell Reınforced Downstream of Hydraulıc Structures. International Journal of Mechanical Production Engineering (IJMPE) , vol.6, no.12 , 43-45.
DURSUN, Ö. F., GÜL, E., SARICI, T., & SUCU, M. A., (2018). Investıgatıon of Tıme Dependent Local Scourıng in Geocell Reınforced Downstream of Hydraulıc Structures. International Journal of Mechanical Production Engineering (IJMPE) , vol.6, no.12, 43-45.
DURSUN, ÖMERUL Et Al. "Investıgatıon of Tıme Dependent Local Scourıng in Geocell Reınforced Downstream of Hydraulıc Structures," International Journal of Mechanical Production Engineering (IJMPE) , vol.6, no.12, 43-45, 2018
DURSUN, ÖMERUL F. Et Al. "Investıgatıon of Tıme Dependent Local Scourıng in Geocell Reınforced Downstream of Hydraulıc Structures." International Journal of Mechanical Production Engineering (IJMPE) , vol.6, no.12, pp.43-45, 2018
DURSUN, Ö. F. Et Al. (2018) . "Investıgatıon of Tıme Dependent Local Scourıng in Geocell Reınforced Downstream of Hydraulıc Structures." International Journal of Mechanical Production Engineering (IJMPE) , vol.6, no.12, pp.43-45.
@article{article, author={ÖMERUL FARUK DURSUN Et Al. }, title={Investıgatıon of Tıme Dependent Local Scourıng in Geocell Reınforced Downstream of Hydraulıc Structures}, journal={International Journal of Mechanical Production Engineering (IJMPE)}, year=2018, pages={43-45} }